There isn't much to say about the Fender Jazz Bass that hasn't already been said. No other Bass design has been copied as ofte...
1963 war ein wegweisendes Jahr f?r den Fender Bass, mit dem alles begann. Der 62 Vintage ...
1963 was a ground breaking year for the Fender Bass which started it all. The 63 Vintage Precision Bass is a replica of the or...
Seit der Precision Bass 1951 vorgestellt wurde hat er im folgenden halben Jahrhundert fast jedes Genre Zeitgen?ssischer Musik ...
Since the Precision Bass was introduced in 1951, and in the half century that followed, i...
Features:Fender Custom Shop Korpusform: Precision Body: Selec...
Features: Artist Signature Model Korpus: Erle Hals: Ahorn ("C" Shape Custom Thick) Griffbrett: Ahorn, Radius: 9,5" (241mm) B?n...